Monday, April 30, 2012

Better With Age

I would like to think that I, much like wine, get better with age.  Surely I have at least gotten a little wiser in my old age (though these pictures might not depict that same story)!  Well this past weekend my lovely husband planned a little get together for my 31st birthday because I was busy growing a miracle for my 30th birthday which is the more common birthday to celebrate.  We rented a bus and headed out to the wineries.  It turned out to be a SPECTACULAR day full of great friends, great family, food, wine and most importantly FUN!  I had an absolute blast and hope that everyone else did as well.  In reviewing the pictures I do believe a good time was had by all.  I guess we'll have to celebrate my half birthday as well, October is a great time for the winery I do believe.

I am posting a lot of pictures, but in my defense it was really hard to pick.  I came home with a lovely 685 pictures.  Don't get too excited, once I deleted all of the blurry out of focus ones…I was down to just under 200.  Lots of people thought they could play photographer for the day with my camera, and while I appreciate their efforts it landed me with about 400 pictures of nostrils, trees, blurry heads and butts.  Lots and lots of butts, I'll blame those on Curtis.

So here we are in all our glory, we start out pretty subdued but towards the end it gets pretty interesting!  Gotta love the wineries, and if you don't…you've obviously never been with this crew before!

At this point is where it really gets blurry.  When we got back to our house with the bus we decided the party needed to continue at the local wine bar.  Julia was able to join us at this point so she had some making up to do.  Apparently she did because we definitely found the need to have a dance party in the rain.  I now understand why kids love to splash in puddles, it really is liberating.

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