Monday, April 23, 2012

Cry Baby

The other night it happened that we had three babies at our house all within like 8 weeks of each other.  So I decided it would be a good idea to take their picture together…HA.  Jokes on me.

Here is the "best" picture I got…

Now If I was a nice mother I would just leave it at that.  But I'm just not a nice person.  Check out how Bennett really felt about the situation, he screamed so much he eventually made Thomas scream as well.  Violet on the other hand just sat there, smiled and clapped.  I love the grin on Violet's face.  I feel like it's a little devilish grin, kind of like she's saying "ha ha I pinched him and made him cry".  In all reality though I just think Bennett was being a cry baby on this particular night and I think the black and white picture really enhances that emotion!

Speaking of Violet just sitting there and clapping, I mean how precious is she?  And those eyes!  Hands down the bluest eyes I have ever seen on a child.  Her parents are in for it!

And don't worry Julia, you look like a natural…

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