Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let the Easter Fun Continue...

Last Friday I got together with a bunch of girls I work with and all of their offspring.  CRAZINESS does not even begin to describe these children together.  Poor Lynn, she had no clue what was going to happen to her house once our children invaded.  And let me tell you...there was no toy left untouched!

We decided to start a new tradition of Easter Fun with the kiddos.  And as a self-proclaimed Easter Fanatic, I was totally on board with this recommendation.  So we planned a day of egg hunting, treasure finding, egg dying, sugar cookie decorating, junk food eating...FUN FUN FUN.  Tell me you all don't wish you were our friends right now?  We are pretty awesome and I don't mind saying so myself.  I mean check out the kid's snack for goodness sakes...prepared in plastic eggs and egg cartons.  Beat that...I dare you (but if you do, invite me).  

I must confess that Mr. Bennett slept through the majority of this little party.  I am fairly certain next year he will make up for lost time.  However, I did want to point out one thing below.  The wee little tooth that you can barely see poking out in the picture below.  About two weeks ago I heard Nolan screaming from Bennett's bedroom "We've got a toofer, we've got a toofer".  I said "Did you see it?"  Nolan said "nope…I felt it".  I was going to question why his finger was in Bennett's mouth to begin with but I just let it go and promptly stuck my finger in his mouth as well.  Sure enough a toofer…thank you Nolan for bringing it to our attention.

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