Monday, April 9, 2012

Optimus Prime vs Cookie Monster

I know I know, yesterday was Easter so I should totally be posting 1 million pictures of our Easter festivities (and yes I have a million) but I didn't get a chance to load/sort through them all so you're stuck with a little story instead.

Our friends Kim and Curtis moved into a new house this past weekend.  We (ok maybe just Chad) went over on Saturday to help, but I followed up with a little visit with the boys to check out the new homestead.  Nolan and Jack were running around the house in true 2 and 3 year old fashion and this is the conversation I heard coming up the stairs....

Nolan:  (in his deep "scary" voice) I am OPTIMUS PRIME!

You see Jack is a year younger, and about 200 action heroes behind Nolan at this point.  So I guess the biggest baddest thing he could think of at the time was Cookie Monster!  I will admit he makes one cute Cookie Monster, but we might need to toughen that boy up!  

I'm just saying…which one would you want on your side?  My money is on Optimus.

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