Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Never Ends Around Here

No, I'm serious it seems as though Easter will never end on this blog because I can't lie to you…this is not the last Easter post either.  I split up our Easter day festivities into two separate posts because in my mind that makes it okay to post more pictures without "overloading" the post. Genius really.

So for this post we will focus on Easter morning.  Easter morning was pretty simple at our house.  We woke up, went to early church, came home and enjoyed the blessings from the Easter Bunny and then had a little brunch with my parents.  I will confess now that this post is heavy on the Bennett side, but I'm going to defend it because a.  It was his first Easter and b. I don't think he makes the next Easter post at all.  I just thought I would explain myself now so I don't get accused of favoritism!

Check out the baskets the Easter Bunny brought for the boys.  Nolan's was full of choking hazards (aka "Squinkies" and other tiny "guys") and Bennett's basket was equipped with cars, books, balls and of course puffs!  I'm pretty sure at least one of the boys was pretty excited about his loot.  Check out this reaction...

Next we headed outside for the big Easter Egg hunt.  Nolan was gracious enough to share ONE egg with Bennett.  But luckily Bennett thought that one egg was pretty spectacular.

Next I wanted to stress myself out and try and get a picture of the boys together.  Nothing earth-shattering here, of course they aren't looking at the camera…but I do see two smiles.

Here are our dinner guests/entertainment…Grandma and Grandpa.

And then I tortured Bennett a little more for a few pictures because lets face it...I'm mean.

After all the morning fun both boys needed a good old nap and that's just what they got.  Then we were off to Chad's side of the family where the real craziness is!  And that, I promise, will be the last Easter post.

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