Friday, April 13, 2012

Hoot Hoot

I'm going to interrupt the million Easter posts I have to share a few pictures of sweet Baby Logan.  Not gonna lie…he made me work for these pictures.  There was sweat (for me, not Logan), vacuum cleaners (for noise), shushing routines, basket swaying…we pulled out all the stops to try and make him calm/peaceful/sleepy.  I left worried we didn't get anything good.  I ran home downloaded as quick as possible and to my surprise there were some good ones after all.  PHEW!  Oh Logan, get used to it my friend…I'm not going anywhere!

How cute is he in this little hat? Whoever picked that out must have impeccable taste, wink wink.  Kind of makes me want to have another baby just so I can borrow it (Chad just passed out).

 As it turns out the only place Mr. Logan wanted to be was right here.  I'll give you two guesses as to who he is staring up at…but I think you only need one.  This boy loves his Mama.

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