Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Newport Family

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  One of my favorite parts of doing photography is getting back in touch with old friends.  On this particular day I had the pleasure of shooting one of my sorority sister's families inclusive of their newest little addition, Harrison.  Harrison has one proud Big Sister, Elle, who has the sweetest demeanor and I can tell she is going to be very protective of the newest family member.  Elle is also taking after her fashionista Mom and wears the biggest frilliest dresses and bows and looks ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.  To top it off they had a Goldendoodle (just like our Cooper) that was so good and cooperative (not like our Cooper).  In a nutshell the Newport family was the picture perfect little family and here are the images to prove it.  Thanks Jackie for letting me take your family pictures, hope you enjoy!   


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