Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nolan Strikes Again

The other day I took the boys to the mall, shocker I know.  Well of course any good shopping trip ends with some well deserved time at the playground.  Some might call it a "bribe" I like to think of it as good quality time together as a family.  I was sitting along the edge with the other Moms (you know the type, the stay at home moms wearing the Juicy Couture jumpsuits), while I sat there un-showered with barf all over me.  Nonetheless I had made a few friends during my time at the park and then Nolan came back and was ready to leave.  As we were leaving he looked at the lady sitting next to me and said (not in an inside voice)…"Is that a Karate Mom?" Of course I just rushed him along and didn't answer the question and didn't really understand the question but knew it was probably embarrassing.  As I turned the corner I glanced back at the "Karate Mom" and noticed she was wearing a long white jacket that had a thick black belt around the waist.  And yes it looked like a karate outfit.  At least Nolan thought she was talented enough to be a black belt, I mean really it was a compliment.

Victim Number 2: Well, like I said we turned the corner quickly and in the next breath Nolan said (again not in an inside voice)…"Why does that girl have red hair like that?"  Lovely.  As the chick turned around to see what smart a** child was commenting about her hair I tried the whole "well everyone has different colored hair, we are all different" spiel.  But in all reality I was wondering why this chick had that color hair as well, as it was literally the color of a firetruck.  

Moral of these stories…if you see us at the mall RUN.  Nolan will find something wrong with the situation and he will point it out.  No one is safe.

On a totally unrelated note, I have no idea why Nolan can't hit a baseball…do you?  This is actually not true at all, he's getting pretty good at hitting the ball.  Something tells me it might all be luck though!

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