Sunday, April 1, 2012

Know When to Fold 'Em

You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away…know when to RUN.  Ahhh, if only I would listen to the genius that Kenny Rogers is I would have just ran.  Sometimes I catch myself doing something totally stupid like trying to take the boys pictures together at the same time by myself.  It never ends well...a child in tears, a mother in tears, a few bribes, some cursing (silently of course) but it never ends with that money shot that I had in mind…Never.  One of these days I'll learn to not even attempt it, but for now I'm still trying.  I will admit though I'm getting better at just letting it go instead of getting TOTALLY pissed off.

I thought I would share the one picture I got of the two boys together on this particular day just so that it will make everyone feel better when their photo sessions don't go exactly as planned either.

I'm not one to dress my kids alike (nothing against people that do, I just don't).  I like to "coordinate" them sometimes, but I never dress them in the same thing. Well, the whole reason I was doing this little session is because I had gotten these cute little tie shirts a LONG time ago and they are about to grow out of them so I wanted to try and get a picture of them together before I couldn't.  So I broke my rule and dressed them alike.  Well turns out you can't even see the dumb shirts anyway!  
Matching Shirts = Fail

Anyway, back to the session.  Then Nolan did this (which is adorable I will admit)…

But I was left with a tie shirt with dirt all over it.  Brother session was officially called off at that point.

I then decided to move on to just Bennett, because honestly he's kind of trapped by me at this point.  But he wanted NOTHING to do with me on this particular day.  The wind was blowing and he LOVES the wind blowing that spiky hair of his.  So all I got was side views as he chased the wind.

Instead of getting mad this time I packed up the camera (after taking a record low for me of only 15 pictures) and decided to just enjoy the time at the park with my boys.  Ahhh, I'm really making progress here I can almost feel myself maturing.  And you you know what else?  It was fabulous.  We did the swings, the monkey bars, climbed some walls, went down the slides and no camera was needed because those smiles and squeals will be in my memory forever.  So thank you Nolan for ruining your shirt so I could just enjoy the day with my boys! 

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