Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Didn't Realize...

I'm sorry, I feel like I'm bombarding the blog with Nolan stories lately but I just can't help it.  He makes me laugh.  Sometimes I laugh when I really shouldn't, a habit I'm trying to break but bad habits die hard I guess.  Anyway, we aren't totally strict parents (although some people might beg to differ) but we don't really let Nolan watch a whole lot of TV.  Sure, we bribe him with it in the morning to wake him up, but we try to not let him sit there for hours on end watching "The Avengers" or heaven forbid something educational.  So here is my conversation with Nolan the other night....

Nolan:  Mom can I watch a program?
Me:  What did your Dad say?
Nolan:  He said yes!
Me:  He did?  Are you sure you're not lying to me?
Nolan:  Well, I didn't realize you were going to ask me that question!  He said no.

I guess I need to teach him that if he is going to lie he's got to really commit, put his game face on and stick with his story.  I guess he didn't realize that! Gosh I love him.

And some random pictures for the day, because funny glasses are…funny!


  1. I love Nolan stories! Realize... impressive! Does he also really say watch a "program"? Hello 1950's.

  2. Not gonna lie…"program" came from my mother. Not sure why she calls it that, but now we do too! At least he sounds halfway intelligent when he's asking to fry his brain.


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