Monday, April 2, 2012

Filter? What Filter?

I love the fact that children have no filter when they speak, I should say I USUALLY love that children have no filter when they speak.  I mean it's pretty funny you have to admit when you overhear a kid at Target tell their Mom that their fart stinks.  Am I right?  Tonight however I had the first public experience with Nolan that was a tad bit on the embarrassing side.  We were strolling down the aisle of the grocery store (yep Chad, I really went to the grocery store) this is what went down.

Scene: Young 20 something male innocently walking down the aisle…add Nolan….

Nolan:  (rather loudly) Mom is that a mean Dad?
Me: No Nolan, shhhh we need to be quiet.
Nolan:  Well then why does he look so mean?
Innocent guy:  evil eye in Nolan's direction

Exit Aisle Left (which was more difficult then it sounds because Nolan somehow convinced me to get one of those HUGE carts that look like a car and are impossible to steer, pretty sure I knocked over a small jello display)

I mean in Nolan's defense the guy did look kind of mad at the world, but I'm pretty sure hearing a three year old call you mean looking was not going to brighten his day either!  Happy Monday, here's hoping your day was better than the guy's in the grocery store!

Sidenote:  Chad also informed me that the other day at Mr. Goodcents Nolan blurted out the ever so embarrassing…"Is that a girl or a boy?"  Glad I wasn't there for that one!  She totally spit in their sandwiches.

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