Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter Finale

After how long it has taken me to get these pictures up you would think they were totally FABULOUS.  When in fact they are nothing special, however the kids that make up these pictures are pretty fabulous.  They are all of Nolan and Bennett's cousins and each of them have a special little place in my heart, and each one for a different reason.  When I was growing up all of my cousins lived in other states, and I always wished they were closer.  I'm so excited that my boys have cousins close by to grow up with…now if we could only get their future cousin Cy to move back as well ;)

This set of pictures almost deserved it's own post, but I thought that would be totally pushing it with the Easter posts.  But it was HILARIOUS.  I was standing on the deck and glanced down to see Favorite Uncle Eric unwinding some fishing line and giggling.  Upon further observation I saw that he had attached said fishing line to one of the eggs out in the grass.  He then proceeded to sit along the edge of the grass waiting for his victim to come.  Reid was the poor lad to fall for this awful trick.  He bent down to get the egg and Eric yanked it away from him, but Reid did not give up he jumped halfway across the yard to try and get that egg.  Enter Nolan.  He definitely watched Reid struggle with getting the egg but that did not stop him.  He too went in to try and recover the egg, no such luck.  
Mean…maybe.  Funny…absolutely.

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