Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Running with Dad

Lately Chad has gotten back into running on a regular basis.  This is all well and good but the rule is he has to take one of our little miracles with him!  We sometimes give Nolan a choice of what he wants to do, but I think Chad just crosses his fingers and hopes that he lands with Bennett as he is a whole lot lighter at this point!  And lets face it, Nolan just looks plain silly squashed in the stroller.  It's really a win/win because Chad gets his run in and Bennett usually gets in a much needed cat nap for the evening. While they are gone I am reminded of how nice and easy and peaceful it was to only have one child to take care of!  What a glorious 25 minutes…maybe I'll start running too (I don't know, can you sense sarcasm over blog?).

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