Monday, October 27, 2014

The Baldwin Family

This past weekend turned out to be rather hot.  This came as a surprise to some of my clients who had planned outfits for a more chilly occasion.  I can feel their pain, as we did the same thing a few weeks ago for our family pictures.  Scarves and boots when the weather would suggest shorts and a t-shirt.  Regardless of how uncomfortable they were though they still came through with the smiles.  This is the Baldwin family, we did a mini session for them to document little Carter's 3 months on this earth and also in hopes of scoring a family picture for their Christmas card.  I think we were able to accomplish both! We had to improvise a little because it seems Mr. Carter is most happy when he is in Mom or Dad's arms, smart boy that lad.  Already has these two wrapped around his little finger, and rightly so!  Here is a sneak peak...

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