Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Morning Bennett

I was talking to one of my friends the other day about how fun it is to see Bennett in the morning.  He is instant smiles and gets so excited he bangs his head on the mattress.  I attempted to capture the moment yesterday, and though he doesn't do major head banging in this video he does do a little (never quite performs the way I want him to when I get out the video camera!).  He's so sweet and so is that big brother of his…even if he does greet him with a morning punch!

Then of course Nolan wanted to take a picture with Bennett.  He always does this when they are both in Pajamas with major bed-head (Bennett's bed-head really never goes away though) and I have my junky camera, but I'm not complaining.  Oh wait maybe I am.  But of course they are both looking at me and smiling and of course they did this on the first shot.  Why can't they do this when I have them dressed cute and in a location other than Bennett's bedroom.  Why? Why?  Because they are my children and they are difficult that's why.  Little do they know…i'm persistent and will not stop trying.  They should really just give in.  

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