Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let the Easter Fun Begin

Nolan had an Easter Party at school last week, and drum roll please...I GOT TO GO!!  I don't know why, but this is the thing I look forward to the most when I think of my children's school careers.  I always loved school parties growing up and my Mom was ALWAYS involved with them and I knew that one day I wanted that role as well.  Next year I'm shooting for head room Mom :)  A Girl has got to have goals!

Anyway, the party was pretty simple.  We started with snack, moved on to a game, did a little arts and crafts project, hunted "resurrection" eggs (this is a good Christian school you know), got our goodie bags and headed home.  I was amazed by the behavior of all the children...including my child.  They sat, they listened, they obeyed (for the most part) and everyone was happy and polite.  Amazing really, they must put something in their juice.  Well here are some pics from the party (notice Nolan painting with his Girlfriend, ladies man I tell ya must get it from his Daddy).

Did I mention I'm campaigning for Head Room Mom?  I mean I wouldn't call it an all out "campaign", I would just say I'm taking the "soft" approach.  You know in the kill them with kindness and shower them with Pinterest finds kind of way!  
(I realize this is all sick and disturbing, welcome to my life)

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