Friday, April 6, 2012

Anxiously Awaiting

I know I've mentioned it a time or two but I'm going to be an AUNT…again.  This time though it is my brother having a baby, so we are gaining a cousin on my side of the family this time.  Ahhhh, holidays are about to get crazy crazier and we couldn't be more excited!

Geoff and Sharon were in town this past weekend for her baby shower (pictures later) and they requested a few maternity pictures.  I don't think maternity pictures are my specialty by any means, but it seems lately that my clientele is chalk full of "miracle makers" (must be something in the water around me) so I am embracing the opportunities.  I may be biased because she is my sister in law and all but I think she's a pretty adorable pregnant chick so pictures were none too difficult!  Geoff…you're not bad either.  Come on Baby Cy we are so excited to meet you!


1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, really not your specialty... these are great!!!! I love them. Sharon looks great!


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