Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stone Soup

The other day Nolan's preschool class was in charge of the school's chapel.  So being the nosey, I mean supportive, Mom that I am I went to take in this little event.  It was short and sweet, the teacher read a story called "Stone Soup" and the kids each acted (and I use the word acted very loosely here) out a little part.  I was ill prepared with my camera and lens selection so please excuse the horrible pictures. They shoved the parents WAY in the back corner and on this particular day I decided to spare Nolan the embarrassment of me crawling around in the front to get my shot.  Next time, I may not be so cordial.

Here is Nolan getting a pep talk from his teacher.  Or she might be fixing that delightful little chef hat of his (be sure to adore the hat now, you may or may not be seeing it in the actual play).

Then the little skit started.  Notice how Nolan is more interested with something on his apron than the actual story being told.  Also notice he is already sans hat (except for that little remnant that is stuck in his hair)!

Then came his BIG moment!  He had to put in some spices and stir the pot.  I have to say, after the teacher summoned him twice to get him up there he did an A+ job stirring that pot!

Big FINISH…everyone stirring together!

Then they sang a little ditty.  And in true preschool fashion no one knew what the heck was going on except for one spunky little girl who stole the show!  Nolan stood there with style though;)

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