Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Part 3

Ahhh, the final Christmas post.  What's it been like two weeks?  Let's see, what can I blame it on this time?  Laziness, pure laziness.

So here we are at my parents house on Christmas Day.  We always start out with our "stockings" which are actually large bags as opposed to stockings…but I'm not complaining because lets be honest good things come in large Santa Bags!  Although I will admit there was a little disappointment this year (I hope you are reading this Dad), every year for I do not even know how long we have each gotten a poncho in our stocking.  You never know when you might get caught in a torrential downpour you know?  Well this year I'm sorry to report there were no ponchos, apparently my Dad decided to throw tradition aside and save his $4 this year.  It didn't go unnoticed, we all shed a little tear that night…too bad we didn't have a poncho to catch our tears.  Stockings were still exciting though, and here are some pictures to prove it.  I think Chad wins the award for looking the most excited that must be one Awesome Koozie!

Then we moved on to the mound of presents.  Please note Nolan got his third Optimus Prime at this stop.  Apparently he needs to start dealing out his wishes more strategically in the future!

Bennett, Bennett, Bennett.  You slept through yet another present opening.  But we again set them all up like you didn't miss a thing and you had your own little party.  You even got excited about the clothes you got (a trait I wish you could pass on to your brother who only gets excited about toys at this point!).

Finally a little group shot of the family.  I'll take one kid looking and smiling at the camera any day of the week!  We'll get em next year Bennett!
Merry Christmas!

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