Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's a….

No no no, I'm not having another baby.  But my BROTHER is!!  Okay, maybe not exactly my brother himself but my lovely sister in law will be birthing Nolan and Bennett's first cousin on my side of the family!  Woohoo for adding some craziness that doesn't directly belong to me!  So apparently there were some creative genes that trickled down the family tree because the announcement, via Facebook of course, was SOOOO CUTE!  So cute I just had to share.

In the morning we were greeted with this message, just so that everyone out there in the Facebook Land would be on pins and needles for HOURS before we got to find out…

And then just a few short hours later we got this message (but I also got a personal call because let's face it…I'm cool like that).  

And theeeeeeeeeeeeen we got yet another message with the name revealed!  I mean are they on top of things or what?  

So that's the exciting news around here, Baby Cy will be joining the family in Mid May and we are PUMPED!!!  Nolan and Bennett can't wait to have a cousin younger than them to beat up on play with.

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