Sunday, January 8, 2012

Made with Love

I did it, I really did it.  Contrary to everyone's else's confidence in me I actually made baby food…and I've done it more than once now too!  If you need my address for my "Mother of the Year" award just leave a comment and I'll go ahead and send it your way.  You may ask why I am doing this.  And I wish I had an answer like…"it's healthier for the baby"…"it gives the baby more variety"…"it saves money".  But if I'm being totally honest, I don't really believe any of that crap.  I just thought it looked kind of fun and the accessories are ADORABLE.  Who can resist a little jar with a smiley face on it?

Just to prove that I actually did make some delicious baby food I took some pictures to document.  Yes I made the food.  That doesn't mean I am going all hippy and natural, I'm still going to make fun of every aspect of this process. Starting with the box.  I have highlighted my two favorite parts…I mean do they really think the baby knows any different?  If I gave Bennett a jar full of store bought baby food I'm pretty sure he would eat it just the same.  But they do reel you in with that happy baby don't they?

So here goes nothing.  I steamed some sweet potatoes, chopped them up, threw in some water and pushed down on that amazing baby bullet.  Waalahh…sweet potato puree!

Here are those adorable containers I was talking about.  I mean they look happy empty, but when they are full of delicious vegetables they just look like they are bursting with joy don't they?  Just like Bennett will be, just like Bennett will be.

Speaking of Bennett, he was my little audience for this cooking show I put on.  "Hey Bennett, I'm going to make you some baby food"...his face in this picture kind of says it all…Say what?

Maybe you didn't hear me, I'm making you some delicious homemade baby food that you will enjoy because it was made with love….That's better!

I have in fact fed Bennett the sweet potatoes and he did in fact love them.  I even ventured out and bought some squash (even though I have never bought or cooked squash for myself) and made that too, he hasn't tried that yet.  It looks gross.  Bon appetit Bennett!

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