Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Out Smarted

Oh three year olds.  Dear dear three year olds.  They certainly know how to push your buttons, I'll give them that.  Whoever coined the phrase "terrible twos" must have given their child away when it turned three because let me tell you threes are WAY worse than twos.  When kids are two their smart aleck replies are funny I would even venture to say cute.  When they are three their smart aleck replies are just infuriating! Which leads me to my next story about Mr. Nolan.  I can't lie, Nolan has pretty much been an angel all of his life.  I've been spoiled and I know it.  But don't fret all you haters out there…he's making up for lost time.  Nolan is going through the "i'm not listening to you" stage.  It's awesome, totally awesome.  I feel as though I should just bring a tape recorder with me wherever we go and say what I want once into the recorder and then just press repeat over and over and over again.  So last night Chad had a little heart to heart with him before bedtime.  He was very nice and sweet, just told Nolan that he needs to listen to his Mom and Dad and he can't tell us No anymore.  Pretty simple right? So here's what transpired when I came in the room to say goodnight…

Me:  Time to get in bed
Nolan:  shakes his head
Chad:  Nolan I just told you you can't tell us No anymore
Nolan: I didn't
Chad:  Yes you did Nolan
Nolan:  No I didn't, I just did this (and shook his head again)

Touche.  Outsmarted by a three year old…again!  He's right, he did not in fact verbalize the word No.  Which leads me to the question…why do kids take everything so literal?  Is it because they truly don't understand what we really meant OR is it to help them get back at us in a semi-cute fashion that we really can't argue with?  I guess I can only blame myself for making him so smart right?  

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