Thursday, January 12, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Chad always nags encourages me to do my blog posts in chronological order, but you know what it just doesn't always happen.  Sometimes I just straight out forget about pictures that I have taken because lets be honest I take more pictures than the average bear.  So I somehow forgot about this little gem, which is almost two months old at this point!  I am attempting to do some "milestone" pictures of Bennett every 3 months.  Just something to share what he is doing at the current time in an attempt to jog my memory down the road.  People always talk about the second kid not having near as many pictures as the first…I don't agree.  I think I'm trying to make up for all of the picture opportunities that I never took with Nolan.  So fortunately (or unfortunately) for Bennett he will have PLENTY of pictures to play in the slideshow at his wedding!

Here was my attempt at his 3 month milestone picture…

And a few outtakes…

Why is it that Nolan always wants to participate in the pictures when he has horrible bed head and that darn tie dyed shirt on again?  I can't help but love his desire to share the spotlight with his brother, I just pray that one day he will have the same spirit when he is not in his pajamas!

And the many faces of Bennett…

For all of those inquiring minds out there that would like to know what his first milestone picture looked like…


  1. Oh, what a cute fluffy, furry blanket. Too bad that damn Lord kid pee'd all over it and probably ruined it. At least Bennett got to take one session with it. Damn Lord baby!

  2. Umm, that awesome tie dyed shirt is not pajamas! Why are you constantly bring the tie dye shirt down? I suddenly feel the need to make transformer themed shirts for Reid's party just for my favorite nephew Nolan.


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