Friday, January 13, 2012

Makes you wanna JUMP JUMP

Last night Nolan had his first Tumblin Two's class.  You read that right, I have officially held back my son!  Don't worry it was for a good reason, his little friend Jack wanted to take the tumblin class too and they wouldn't let him go up a grade but they would let Nolan come down a grade.  He was the biggest "two" year old I've ever seen.  When one parent walked in I saw him look at Nolan and then say "what age was this class"…real smooth guy with poopy diaper kid believe me you have bigger things to worry about.  Yes my child is the size of an average 4.5 year old according to the doctor but no need to discriminate he's got the coordination of a two year old I guarantee you.  It's hard to be that long and lengthy you know.  Anyway, the begininning of the class was a little rocky.  There were a lot of tears and screaming for moms going on (not by Nolan, again he could have cared less if I were there or not).  But eventually they got the kids to do some stuff.

I'll apologize now for the lack of pictures.  They make the parents sit in the hall as to not distract the kids and I had to shoot through a window on the door.  Every once in a while I'd fling the door open stick my camera in and cross my fingers I got something! When the class was over I went in to take real pictures and I had a camera with a dead battery.  Awesome.  There's always next week I guess!

Here are a few pictures of Nolan and Jack participating and doing as they are told….

Here are a few pictures of Nolan and Jack having their own trampoline party.  Was the class over you ask?  No, no it wasn't.  The rest of the class was up front throwing ribbons and hankies in the air.  Apparently these boys were above that little activity and decided to do their own thing.  
That's right boys, be leaders not followers!


  1. Are these pugly pixel or whatever the site was called templates?

  2. Yes they are, figured I better try them out if I was going to tell you how to use them!!


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