Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Nolan started a new adventure last week, he ventured out into the world all by himself and walked into the doors of preschool!

For some reason this steers me back to good old Dr. Seuss, a wise wise man who once wrote…

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Too deep for a preschooler?  Maybe, but could it be more spot on?  I mean the minute he walked in that door he had to start making decisions on his own.  There isn't going to be someone telling him to eat his cookie first because he's a slow eater and won't get to it in time if he doesn't (definitely came home with his cookie the first day still in his lunchbox), there isn't going to be someone to pick him up and give him a hug when Michael S. says he doesn't want to play with him that day (name changed to protect the innocent) and there isn't going to be someone that reminds him to bring his stocking cap in from the playground (we already need a trip to the lost and found).  These are all decisions that he will have to make on his own.  Hard lessons to learn for a 3 year old...and for his Mom.  But I have confidence that he will do great and I have confidence that in a week or two I will be okay too.

Here's to you Nolan, go out and show that world who's boss (or who will be their boss in approximately 20-25 years).

Here is the big bad 3 year old on his first day of school.  He was SOOOO excited.  Popped right out of bed, did everything we asked in record time and even "smiled" for my camera!

He looked at me for this one and said "I'm going to make a face like this"…excellent it's way better than your usual fake smile that doesn't resemble a smile at all really!

And the book bag that is as big as he is!!  He'll grow into it right?  That's assuming he doesn't lose this as well.  At least it has his name on it, maybe we have a little better chance of hanging on to it assuming there aren't a plethora of Nolans hanging around his school.

Yep, I'm that Mom.  I definitely brought my camera in to the school.  Don't worry I didn't embarrass him too much, I literally only took these two pictures.  Pretty impressive for me.  Doesn't he look so sweet and innocent?

Poor Nolan couldn't even make it home without falling asleep.  This may not seem like a big deal to all of you but if you know Nolan you'd know that he NEVER falls asleep in the car anymore.  Poor kid was exhausted.  

So that's it for his first day.  He survived...I survived…and he's even gone back for more.  Success.

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