Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Part 2

On to the second celebration of the season.  Here are some pictures of Christmas morning at our house.  Nolan is kicking some awesome bed head and please note the coordinating pajamas the boys are wearing because that is one of those things that I spend WAY too much time thinking about and wanting to be perfect.  Of course, I looked all over and finally decided on a pair for Nolan the day before Christmas Eve and then it actually clashed a little with Bennett's PJs but at that point it was time to throw in the towel.  It's fine, I know I'm crazy no need to point it out.  Then when I attempted to get their picture together (which was the whole point of the coordinating PJs to begin with) I totally blew the picture opportunity with a bad camera setting on my part…this time I can't even entirely blame Nolan which is usually WAY easier.

On to the exciting things.  This was Nolan's big present this year…a JEEP!!!  He was pretty excited about it, but then noticed all the other presents behind it and quickly moved on!  I told him he should focus on the large Jeep in front of him as he might be disappointed by the packages of underwear that were under the tree…but the allure of the unknown got the best of him and he was tearing into those presents in no time.

And here was Bennett's "big" present this year, a little chair with his name on it.  Santa brought one to Nolan on his first Christmas so I guess he felt it was a tradition he would pass down to the little guy.  I like how Santa thinks, he's a good man.  Please note the picture in the bottom left….we might be in trouble looks like we have a kiddo with a thing for sucking on Mr. Thumbkin!

Here are some random present opening pictures.  Obviously Santa IS a follower of the blog and got the request for Optimus Prime and Hawkman from Nolan.  He was one happy lad.  Bennett got Cars 2 in his stocking and Nolan was showing it to him as he said "Oh Bennett will share with me".  Sure Nolan, "share" that's what we'll call it when you steal Bennett's presents.  I wonder if that's what you'll call it when Bennett starts "sharing" your presents!

We had a little time to play with our toys and then we were off to my side of the family to celebrate…Christmas Part 3 coming soon!

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