Saturday, January 7, 2012

Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot

I sure did just quote the beginning lyrics to Auld Lang Syne (the traditional song used to ring in the New Year)…that's right I'm one educated girl.  Believe it or not at one time I actually knew all the lyrics to that song, don't ask me what they meant but I sang them loud and proud for my choir teacher back in middle school.

Anyhow…here are some pictures from our New Years Eve celebration.  Remember the days when you would go out and drink way too much, stop at Taco Bell on the way home and pray you wouldn't throw up the next morning?  Yea, not one of those nights.  These days we are a little more subdued in our partying ways as we are responsible parents (crazy right).  So there was no Taco Bell and no puking (at least not on my part) but there was a lot of fun.  We threw our kids in the basement, had some drinks and played some games.  Perfect way to ring in the New Year!

Let's start out with this handsome devil, because he didn't make it for much of the celebration (not complaining).  He did manage to make it past his regular bedtime, but then it was off to the Pack N Play for him.  Happy First New Years Eve Bennett!

Then came the Jager Bombs.  I wonder who's idea that was because it was a fabulous one!!

A little game of left, right, center.  My attempt to take everyone's money, but it didn't so much happen.  You can see Mike "making it rain" in the lower right.  He definitely won the first game but something tells me Lori actually got the money!

After the Imholz family took everyone's money we decided to move on to a more sophisticated game like Circle of Death.  We're old…but we're still fun.

Remember when I said we threw the kids in the basement?  That was no lie, check it out.  There were 4  boys down there and we barely heard a peep.  Thank you Pixar for your masterpiece Toy Story!

This year we actually turned on the TV in time to see the ball drop, can you believe it?  I certainly can't.  Amanda looks pumped about it, Nolan not so much.

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