Friday, January 6, 2012

Rollin with his Homies

I don't quite understand what's going on around here but we have actually had some pretty nice days…perfect for a little boy who just got a new Jeep from Santa.  We got to take a little stroll the other day and Nolan was in pure bliss.  He is an AWFUL AWFUL driver, he promptly gave one of our neighbors their first lawn job as she was standing on the porch watching him.  Awesome.  But practice makes perfect so hopefully by the time he turns 16 he'll have it all figured out and going 5mph won't be such a challenge anymore!

We set out for our first adventure with Optimus Prime and Hawkman in tow.  Can't leave home without our two new friends, that would just be silly!

On the left is his "did I just run into something" reaction.  Yes Nolan you did….again!

Pure Bliss.

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