Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Part 1

I made the executive decision that my Christmas post will have to come in three installments this year.  There are lots of pictures and it's rather overwhelming, so I am tackling one family at a time.  Tonight I will share with you our Christmas Eve celebration.  We spend Christmas Eve with Chad's immediate family.  This involves lots of food, lots of presents and lots of crazy children.  Three of my favorite things!

I'll start with these two.  This is Reid, my spunky little nephew.  I love his flowing luscious locks and I REALLY want to take his picture with his head hanging upside down.  This has become a small obsession ever since I took their family Christmas picture.  I thought tonight was the night when I glanced over and he was hanging over this chair backwards.  Boom, grabbed my camera "Reid, can you do that again please?"  You see he did not want to cooperate.  I will get it some day.  He has a birthday coming up I might just bribe him with a present.  The second picture is of the dangerous duo, the chronic Ice snatchers…no cooler is safe from these two.

Next we moved on to presents.  The bottom picture is all of these kids anxiously awaiting for all of the presents to be passed out.  Then they have to wait and go two at a time opening.  Pure torture for these kids I'm sure, but they cooperate quite nicely (luckily my children are the youngest…so they get to go first!).  Everyone was pretty excited about their loot this year, there was high-fiving, a few screeches, a number of "I've always wanted (fill in the blank)"….Success!

On the left is the classic "show me your present" picture, you know the one where the kid shoves the present directly in front of their face so you can ONLY see their present and not their delighted little face behind it.  Oh well, the point of this picture is the oh so fabulous Bumblebee Transformer.  You see, Transformers are big in our house these days too and I have recently learned that there are different levels of transformers.  This refers to how hard it will be to convert them from a guy to some form of transportation.  I don't believe Favorite Uncle Eric realized there were different levels of Transformers and gave Mr. Reid here an ADVANCED LEVEL 5!!!!  Let me break that down for you, it basically means IMPOSSIBLE!  I had tears in my eyes when Reid opened this box, and I just thanked God that it wasn't Nolan opening it.  

On the right is Mr. Wyatt and he is opening a present from Chad and I.  I think it was a hit, don't you?  What kid doesn't love a humongous Nerf gun?  I'm pretty sure it was the biggest one in the stores, go big or go home right? 

And here is Bennett, not quite as excited about his present opening as you can see.  He slept right through it, but don't worry when he woke up later we all acted like he didn't miss a thing.  Happy First Christmas Mr. B, you won't remember it but it was awesome!!

This is Nolan with his "I always wanted (fill in the blank)" gift from Grandma and Grandpa.  Yes he definitely hugged the container when he opened it.  So thank you Grandma for the 72 piece army guy set, I haven't stopped stepping on them since!  

So there you have Part 1 of our Christmas, things to look forward to in future posts…coordinating pajamas, stellar stocking stuffers and maybe even a family pic.  How can you even contain your excitement?


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