Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have never claimed to be the most punctual person on the planet, and Chad would surely back me up on that statement.  Sometimes I think being late is just the direct result of life getting in the way.    Sometimes LIFE makes me late.  A breakfast that took a little bit too long, an unexpected conversation with a family member,  a little boys jacket that WOULD NOT ZIP, a stoplight that lasted a wee bit too long.  You know, normal stuff.  Well today life happened and all of the previously sited "life happenings"..happened.  So you know what?  I got Nolan to school late (actually right on time, keep reading).  He was officially written up for being "tardy".  You know what the kicker is...HE WASN'T ACTUALLY TARDY!  I was in the school with him BEFORE the bell rang yet the mean rule abiding car pool line nazi attendant instructed me to sign Nolan in at the office for being tardy.  WHAT?  I mean are you kidding me?  Is this a joke?  You do realize he is 4 and is in preschool right?  I mean isn't it my prerogative as to when I get my child to school?  You have to know me a little bit to sincerely understand the magnitude of this situation.  I like to follow the rules, always have...always will.  Almost to a fault.  And this lady telling me that I was tardy today when we weren't really tardy, about put me over the edge.  BUT I was hyped up from my leisurely breakfast date with my chatty birthday boy and you know what nothing was going to change that (carpool nazi's lucky day I guess).  Take that tardy police, can't rain on our parade!  This is how we feel about your tardy slip...

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