Sunday, September 2, 2012

Let Em Go

You'll have to excuse my mess of a blog these days, if you expect any aspect of this to be in chronological order you have come to the wrong place.  I tend to skip around a lot and just go with what I'm feeling for the evening.  Tonight I'm feeling like sharing a little bit about our trip to lake this year.  We always spend at least one day at one of the Lake Restaurants, and by restaurant I really mean bar but I don't like to refer to it as that when I'm bringing children with me.  So we will refer to it strictly as a restaurant from here on out, mkay? I had to provide that definition because these pictures may not depict a great family establishment ;)  

Here I was minding my business, tending to my children like usual…

When all of the sudden things went South and they went South QUICKLY!  Aunt Mandy had decided to take a few shots and she drug everyone along for the ride.  Well there were some poor gentleman callers at the bar and they became all of my sister-in-law's prey.  Poor guys, poor poor guys.  At one point I was standing next to two of my brother-in-laws and I heard one of them say and I quote "let em go, they're getting free drinks."  Ahhhh, can you feel the love and support?  Love this family, absolutely love this family.

Let me just give you a little indication of how our boat ride home went.  That is until we dropped half the boat off at another bar restaurant while I went home and dealt with the children.  Am I an amazing Mom or what (or perhaps I went home because Chad gave me the evil eye, such a fine line).


  1. While I do appreciate this post's title (as opposed to the one you said you were going to use) you must really have your feathers ruffled to post this pictures of me. Game on.

  2. I thought they were cute…love your hand placement in ALL of them!

  3. As far as changing the title…you are welcome. I do have a heart…somewhere.


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