Monday, September 17, 2012


Nolan came home from school today and had a little surprise in his backpack.  You see, school pictures were taken a few weeks ago and today they were delivered.  The day the picture was taken Nolan came home and showed me how nicely he smiled for his pictures and believe it or not he actually smiled totally normal (which is NOT totally normal for Nolan).  He also proceeded to impersonate all the other kids and the "weird" faces they made in their pictures.  Hmmmmm, I think he might have gotten things a little messed up because let me assure you this is not the smile he showed me on that fine day a few weeks ago!  However, something about it is just plain awesome.  I think it's because it is TOTALLY Nolan and therefore it TOTALLY brings a smile to my face.

Drum Roll Please
Nolan's first school picture…

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