Monday, September 3, 2012

More from the "Restaurant"

So the "restaurant" I spoke of in my last blog post is pretty much amazing for adults and kids.  It has a great beach area with really shallow water for the kids to play in, washer boxes, live music…I could go on and on.  So I thought I would share a few pictures of our little day trip.  

Here is Bennett, his first time with his toes in the sand.  I wish I could say it was on the white sandy beaches of the Bahamas, but Lake of the Ozarks is TOTALLY second best, yes?  And yes he is playing with a shot glass, save your judgement.  We'll just pretend it's a kid's size glass. 

Just a little horsing around…

Um, how awesome is this hair?  
(Disclaimer: These pictures are so old, the hair has already been cut…sorry)

 And a little group shot of the cousins, sans Bennett.  I thought about Photoshopping him in, but I'm not that good at Photoshop lets face it, so we will all have to use our imagination.  Cute little boogers aren't they?

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