Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One Hot Party

Warning:  Longest picture post ever

I'm feeling awfully picture happy tonight for some reason, or just too lazy to delete so I'm showing a bunch…you pick.  Our little buddy Jack turned 3 and he had a Fire Truck Party to celebrate.  The party was totes adorbs (that's me trying to be trendy, translation for Chad: Totally Adorable) and had all of the details you could imagine…

Yes in case you were wondering there was an actual firetruck there and No it's not because Curtis started a fire…though I'm sure someday the truck will be back for the later reason.  
Before we get into the firetruck pictures though I'd like to highlight Bennett and his girlfriend Violet.  I had to put them next to each other in two separate pictures because quite frankly neither of these two ever sit still for a second.  But seriously how cute are they?  I will tell you though, Violet is going to have some competition around these parts fairly shortly.  Ms. Lori is blessing this group with another little girl for the moms to dress up and for the boys to fight over and we are PUMPED.  
Yep Lori, I just spilled the beans.  Someone had to.   

Alrighty back to the party.  Here was the big firetruck reveal...

I don't know…I think he liked it.  Yes?

A little climbing around on the firetruck for everyone...

 After awhile some of the younger party goers got a little bored with the firetruck and decided to try out a different mode of red transportation instead.  Nolan jumped in for a bit too, is it me or does he look ridiculously too big for the wagon?  My poor poor giant. Another thing to note, check out B's eyebrow raise in the bottom picture.  Again…totes adorbs.

Blowing out the candles…

Random happenings...

And let me just show you what the Dads were doing.  Yep, that's a TV in the window.  I mean the NERVE of Kim and Curtis to not have a Jumbotron set up outside for the football game.

Looks like they liked what they saw…losers.

And that's a wrap.  
Happy Birthday Jack, your party was RED HOT!

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