Friday, September 7, 2012

Date Day

The other night I got to have a Date Night with the hubs, today I got to have a Date Day with my favorite 3 year old.  How lucky am I?  I think it's important that we spend one on one time with each of the boys so that we really get to enjoy their personalities and have a day focused around them and what they want to do in order to get that personality to really shine through.  Nolan and I headed down to the City Museum for our special day (you know the place I lovingly refer to as the death trap).  I love it and hate it all at the same time.  Before I had kids I thought it was just awesome, now that I am exploring this junkyard museum with my precious offspring…I look at it a little differently.  We had an awesome time I can't lie.  Nolan started out a little intimidated by some of the exhibits but he quickly changed his mind and before I knew it I was crawling through spaces too little for me and sliding down things that I would have never considered a slide to begin with.  He was exploring and loving every second of it, and I was loving every second of his pure enjoyment.  He was a perfect date, it was a perfect day.

Here we are before we left on our little journey!
(perk of living with your parents…someone is always around to snap a picture for you…oh and they cook and clean and watch your children)

Here are our pictures from the day.  I tried not to be the pavarazzi today, I swore I wasn't going to even bring a camera but I settled with what I refer to as "my diaper bag camera"…and I'm glad I did.  He's too cute not to take his picture what can I say!

I have never considered myself scared of heights…until today.  We crawled along this oh so little tube of chicken wire (okay, it was a little stronger than chicken wire…but not much) as it swayed just ever so slightly along with the wind and Nolan says "wow, we are really high up here".  Yep, we most certainly were and it definitely was a little scary.  My response "just keep going".  I didn't know what else to say, I'm sure it was SUPER encouraging!  However, he kept going and I was ever so proud of him (and me).  Here is that scary tube...

After all of our exploring was done we stopped and had some ice cream on our way home.  I said to Nolan "don't tell your Dad we had Ice Cream he'll think all we ate was junk today."  One guess as to what Nolan said to Chad when he got home…"Mom and Me got Ice Cream today."  BUSTED!  He'll learn one of these days, until then it's Broccoli and Carrots for him. 

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