Friday, September 14, 2012

Party Hardy

That's right, the one year old extravaganza has not ended yet.  I'm finally getting around to sharing his party!  I mean you didn't think we would go without a big bash to celebrate this HUGE milestone did you?  I am a big fan of house parties for the kiddos.  I have a small obsession with doing all those little details that no one else notices or cares about but I spend hours fretting over.  I know it's ridiculous, but I'm ridiculous.  Well this year I couldn't exactly do house parties for the boys as we…HAVE NO HOUSE.  Soooo, that left me with no other option.  I had to outsource the party this year.  I decided on a place called "My Gym".  I had heard good things about the parties they have for the kiddos, and I can't lie it was pretty great.  Now, it's not what I had in mind for B's first birthday but it came in a close second.  So here is the party.

It was a "Robot" themed party, because Bennett loves Robots????  
Okay, I like Robots and I'm in charge right now.

The birthday boy…

The birthday boy "hugging" his buddy Connor…

The birthday boy taking down his buddy Connor...

The zipline...

The older brother giving the party lady the "I got this" look...

The swing and the most awesome picture of the day…


Circle time, inclusive of puppets and songs and bubbles (this went over surprisingly well with this active one year old)…

The birthday parade.  (He clapped for himself almost the whole parade, precious? Yep.)  
Immediately followed by singing Happy Birthday to Bennett while he was in the swing…

The big happy family...

The look you get when you tell the Birthday Boy the party is over…

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