Thursday, September 27, 2012

Elmo Who?

It's happening again.  The second kid is also growing up way too fast.  This time I'm not actually talking about physical growth though, I'm talking about way more important things like…toy selection?  Nolan buzzed right past all of the "baby" toys.  I always blamed the fact that he was around older cousins, and had some older friends (I mean and he's a genius…duh).  With Bennett I guess I'm blaming…Nolan.  Bennett has skipped right on by Elmo and has landed right in the middle of all the guys.  What do my children have against that little furry monster anyway?  Quite sad actually, I thought I'd have more time…I thought I'd have more time.  Now don't get me wrong, the Superhero phase is my favorite phase (although it's about to get bumped out by the Lego phase), so I'm not mad that he too is enjoying some Superhero action I just wish we could have stayed in Babyland just a LITTLE bit longer.  Oh well, it could be worse I guess. He could like Yo Gabba Gabba.  


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