Monday, April 1, 2013

Because of a Jig

Last weekend I borrowed a white backdrop because I was going to do a cake smash for a friend.  Well, the weather didn't cooperate and I ended up getting snowed in.  Hmmm, what could I do with a white backdrop that was already set up in my hearth room?  Lucky for me I had two little subjects with new Easter outfits that were stuck with me, and might I add a husband who was willing to help me.  Let me repeat that, a husband who was willing to help me.  Chad usually does not engage in my photo shenanigans, he pretty much despises my efforts most of the time.  Something about "torturing the children".  This time he was singing, or I should say dancing, a different tune.  No literately Chad was dancing a little jig behind me to try and get some emotion out of my stubborn children.  I owe these smiles to Chad, along with a heartfelt thank you…

And because I know it's a crowd pleaser, here are a few of the outtakes.  I like to share these just so you realize it isn't all rainbows and unicorns over here for this photographer.  I still had to work for the shots, jig or no jig.

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