Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter Part 1

I've been a bit overwhelmed with the amount of Easter pictures I have taken, so I'm going to go ahead and brake up the posts…again.  That's my way of flooding you with pictures, but trying to make it feel like i'm not flooding you with pictures.  Is it working?  So today's post is Easter morning at our house.  It was pretty low key, and dare I say…RELAXING.  The boys hunted eggs, we at breakfast, played with their loot and then headed out for the rest of our crazy day.

This last picture is just to prove to my family that I actually cooked.  This was the first year that we weren't with my parents for Easter.  My mom has always made what we call "Special Eggs" for Easter.  I decided that was one tradition that could not fall by the wayside.  "Special Eggs" are just that, special. But quite honestly we're going to need to arrange for my parents to be around here next Easter because preparing said "Special Eggs" is not special at all, it's just a total pain.

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