Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You Should Really Try This

Well, it happened again.  We got a bunch of snow, even though it's officially "Spring".  UGH.  This time I decided to spare Bennett the torture, so he got to stay peacefully inside while Nolan went outside to "help" shovel with Dad.  He was out there for a good two hours and he looked like he was FREEZING but he was not going to give in until Dad did.  Quite the trooper if you ask me, we've all seen his snow clothes…or lack thereof.  Not only did Bennett stay inside this time, but I did as well.  I mean someone had to supervise his nap am I right?  I missed out on the snow, but I caught up with Nolan over hot chocolate.  He was in a super silly mood and P-U-M-P-E-D that he got to use Dad's cool mug.  He kept saying stuff like "Hmm, this is pretty good yep yep pretty good"  "Mom, you should really try this" "this is goooooooooood stuff, I like it I really really like it".  If only I could get this reaction out of green beans.  Perhaps I should hide them in Hot Chocolate next time.

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