Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Moo Cow?

A little birdie told me that this family was hoping for a little sneak peak of their pictures.  Well, I am here to deliver!  Meet the Petty family.  Could they be any cuter?  Little Jack wasn't so sure about this whole picture taking thing in the beginning, someone (uh hum, mom) mentioned finding a "moo cow" in the barn and he was BOUND AND DETERMINED to find that "moo cow".  Only problem…there was no "moo cow".  Eventually he forgot about that cow when we found some rocks to throw and some sticks to use as swords.  Then he thought taking pictures was not so bad after all!  

And finally, the money shot.  Sun glistening in on them, three bright smiley faces looking at the camera.  Ahhh, sweet success!

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