Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sit. Smile. Awesome.

I got to do an engagement session the other day.  Let me tell you something, it was awesome.  Wanna know why?  These people listened to me.  Quite the concept eh?  I'm used to shooting kids, mainly my own, who are more often than not straight up running from my camera.  These two did whatever I told them.  Sit…done.  Kiss…done.  Look madly in love…done.  Hold hands…done.  It was almost too easy (but don't tell them that).  Perhaps I should have asked them to do flips…think they could have?  I'll save that for their wedding day I think.  Anyway, here are a few of the gems from the day…

Oh yes, I forgot.  Act like you're racing eachother…done.  Seriously, I should have asked for the flips. 

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