Friday, April 19, 2013


A couple of weeks ago Chad found a playset on Craigslist.  We had been looking for one off and on, but nothing serious. Apparently (though I didn't realize it)…it was indeed getting serious.  So Chad and I packed the boys up and went to take a look at the playset.  Turns out the dude selling it was super nice, we tugged on his heartstrings a little with bringing the boys I think.  He got all nostalgic on us with the "this was the age of our boys when we bought it" spiel.  They have a Goldendoodle...we have a Goldendoodle.  Put it together…it was meant to be.  Anyway, dudeman ended up shaving the already amazing price in half without us even asking, I guess it was our charm.  Needless to say, we took him up on his offer, told him we would be there Saturday to pick it up and were on our way.  As we were walking away Nolan said "I sure wish I could have a playset like that".  Well buddy, today is your lucky day….look what just rolled up!

Confession: These pictures are actually about a week old, and the playset is actually up and functioning now.  But I'll save that for another post because the suspense I'm certain is just killing you.  Happy Friday!

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