Sunday, November 11, 2012

Super Sunday

My house was invaded by Superheroes today.  Little loud rambunctious Superheroes and it was glorious.  We spent the majority of our day in our PJs but at least this time they were PJs that actually matched.  Baby steps I tell ya, baby steps.  Did I mention Chad is out of town?  I can only do so much on my own.  Yesterday we went to the Magic House…that took all of the energy I had for the weekend.

I hope your Sunday was just as "Super"…get it?

Yes I wore the masks for a little bit as well.  Bennett thinks it's hilarious when we wear masks, and Nolan just thinks I'm awesome when I play along so really it's a win/win for everyone.  I also let Nolan take my picture, which he thought was equally as awesome.  Although I'm afraid I've created a monster.  Below is his work, not too shabby eh?  I mean sure he cropped off half of my head but I think that was just his "artistic vision" for the photo.  He gave me creative rights and let me turn it black and white as to not scare you with my non-makeup wearing self!  Black and white makes anything look better…even me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Magic House invite. We went to Wreck it Ralph. The Magic House had to have been better.


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