Monday, November 5, 2012

If You Say So Darci

Jack turned three not too long ago.  On the day of his birthday I delivered a very special birthday shirt for him to wear.  A fireman's hat with a three on it (his party was firetruck themed, get it).  Anyway, I showed up to his house PUMPED for him to wear said t-shirt.  He however was not so sure of the idea.  I tried everything, and finally I just said "I don't know do you think we should just try it on and see if it fits?"  His response…"if you say so Darci".  Ahhh, if only my child did everything because I said so!  I will confess sometimes I try and get Jack to say my name just because I love how he says it.  He almost does it in a condescending/sing songy tone, but it melts my heart every time.  The only person that says it cuter is Nolan…and you can't really compete with flesh and blood (sorry Jack).  So here is Jack doing EVERYTHING I told him to do for these pictures simply..."because I said so".


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