Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mission Magic House

Last weekend Chad was hunting so Julia and I ventured on over to the Magic House with all the kiddos.  I realized about an hour before I was going to walk out the door that I had never taken both boys to the Magic House by myself since Bennett has been mobile.  Needless to say I started to panic a little.  I text'd Julia and told her that "all hands would need to be on deck today…including hers".  I think I might have scared her too!  But you know what, for the most part it was pretty darn easy (with Julia's help of course). 
Mission Magic House = Success. 

We started out in the construction zone, this is Nolan's favorite area and now that Bennett has a love of throwing rocks I believe it is his favorite exhibit as well.

I feel like for this next picture it should have the caption…"Who wore it better", like they do in the magazines.  I think it's a toss up really.  (yes Julia, I realize you took a picture of me in the beautiful hat as well however lucky for me it was totally blurry and unusable!).

Alright moving on to this lovely photo.  I just wanted to point out the lovely little boy sitting on Nolan's back for a couple of reasons.  I was standing there watching this little "angel" as he kicked Nolan in the back and then pushed him out of the chair.  Nolan was doing his best to not move while this was going on but finally he gave in to the bully and got out.  I was standing to the side trying to decide whether I should step in or not or see if perhaps this child's mother would say something...nope.  He just kicked and shoved Nolan again.  Kids are lovely.  Is it me or does he look like my nephew Reid???  Coincidence?

Perhaps that kid should take some lessons from these two legit little angels...

This is next picture is probably the worst quality picture I have ever used on the blog but I can't help it.  I just love their faces and I can still hear the squeals that went along with this.  They couldn't be any cuter...

On the other hand these two pictures I am very proud of.  The Magic House has this Jack and the Beanstalk thing that you can climb and I've tried before to get a picture of Nolan in it and the lighting has always been horrible.  The lighting was just right on this particular day and I knew it was my chance.  With Bennett on my hip I wrangled my camera out of the bag, changed a few settings and shot like 6 times all with one hand mind you.  Woohoo, totally worth the sweat I finally got it!

I've seen people take pictures like this before, where it looks like there are two of the same child.  I have never really thought too much about them until it looked like there were two Bennetts and then I had a mild panic attack.  He has enough "spirit" for two kids that's for sure, but I don't think I could handle it!

Fast forward 15 years, you think we will have a similar picture as they drive off on their first date?  Probably not, but it's fun to dream.

Here is just a little water table fun.  Julia was a little worried about Violet getting too wet, I don't know why she was worried I mean it's not like Bennett was dumping that watering can on her…or maybe he was!

This last picture is my favorite I think.  Nolan is such a thinker, and is always so concentrated on whatever it is he is doing and I think this picture portrays that concentration so well.  His teacher told us she thinks he has an engineer mind (which we always have thought too), though I hope he has a little more personality than the engineers that I know!

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