Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hold On A Second

Last week I spent my Friday morning with a new baby in town, Mr. Rocco.  And my goodness was he precious.  I'll tell you what though, this kid (much like his parents) does not want to miss a beat.  I don't think he slept a wink until I was walking out the door (except for one split second where I think I got a long blink to look like sweet slumber).  I have to tell you when I first talked to Katie I asked what kind of pictures we were doing…just the baby, the whole family, a little of both?  She responded with something like "I don't know, I guess we should be in a couple."  You better bet that if I were her, and looked like she does two weeks after giving birth my response would have been something more like "hold on a second while I go put on my bikini real quick."  My Mom always told me life wasn't fair, and I believe these were just the moments she was referring to.  Here is a sneak peak of their pictures and the AWESOME room that Rocco gets to claim as his own.

And just because we are in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season we threw a Santa Hat on him for good measure.  I believe he is "dreaming pondering a white Christmas"

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