Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey Darci...

I met up with the Meyer family last weekend to sneak in a few family photos before the holiday season.  I've hung out with them quite a few times before, but I have never really gotten to know their kid (now kids) all that well.  Wrong place, wrong time I guess.  Let me just tell you, I have been missing out!  Little Maeryn STOLE MY HEART.  She is an absolute doll…period.  She was LOVING her some camera time (which always wins you points in my book), she was loving her adorable little brother and quite honestly she was loving me!  We finished up the shoot and I was walking to my car.  Suddenly I heard "hey Darci"…I turned around to find Maeryn across the parking lot and she yells "I Love You".  AHHHHHH, seriously could this "job" get any better!  I then asked if I could take her home with me, but her parents weren't quite ready to let her go.  I bet in her teenage years they will change their minds.  Check them out, they are all adorable.  Little Brother Johnny is one lucky boy to have cool parents and a cool sister (with impeccable taste I might add).

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