Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome Baby James

I'm going to take a break from this regularly scheduled program of me desperately trying to play blog catch up from the holidays to share a cute cute cute little baby with you.  Meet Baby James, he was welcomed on New Years Eve by the cutest little family (inclusive of Big Brother Will).  James was an absolute angel for his long as we kept him all snuggled up in a warm blanket.  (Smart boy that lad).  Big Brother Will was an excellent little helper but wasn't too sure about joining in on the picture fun most of the time.  Poor Will didn't realize that I have two boys at home that constantly avoid my camera and I know how to wait them out :).  Persistency is key, well that and gummy snacks.  So meet the oh so adorable Miget family.  They are in for so much fun with these two little boys and I was beyond thrilled to catch a few of their first moments together at home.  

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