Monday, January 5, 2015

Silver Dollar City

There is no better way to jumpstart the holiday season than to pack it up and head down to Silver Dollar City in Branson.  They are all decked out for Christmas starting in the beginning of November, complete with Christmas Parades and Santa Claus (not that we saw either one of those this time around...but they are there).  We did however ride plenty of rides, eat plenty of food, play plenty of games and ended the night with a train ride to see all of the awesome lights around the park.  You know the best part?  This year we did not have to leave at 3am because of puking kids.  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!  It was also a little warmer this year than last so we didn't have to listen to a certain someone (MIKE) complain about being cold all day.  Double Bonus.  The only real bummer was one of the kid's favorite spots was closed for renovation.  Darn, I guess we will have to go again next year :).  


1 comment:

  1. These are seriously some adorable pics. I love that Mr. B's posed smile!!!


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